2018年2月28日 星期三

60 Second Docs- Boy Ballet Dancer

     When I tell people I'm a dancer, I get negative feedback. It's sad. 

     My name is Gabe. I'm eleven years old. And I'm a ballet dancer.

     It's not only a sport, it's an art. It's some way to put your emotions into movement. It takes a lot of brainpower and memory to remember all the routines, and perfect them.  

     When I walk into class, and I see that I'm the only boy there, it doesn't affect me. Of course, I would love for more boys to be encouraged to dance. But most boys just think in one direction. Dancing is for sissies. It's girly. But it takes as much effort to be a football player as it is for a dancer. It probably takes more effort to be a dancer than a football player.

     I want to say to the boys out there, who are too scared to express their passion for dance.  It doesn't matter what other people think. It matters what you want, what your inner passion is. And you should reach for that.  

