2018年9月19日 星期三

寫作好幫手 Describing Words & Ludwig

1. Describing words: http://describingwords.io/
只要在搜尋列打上名詞,這網站就會提供常用的形容詞(再點Sort by Frequency),寫作沒靈感時可以用用看。
我建議是點 Sort by Usage Frequency,比較安全
如果是 Sort by Uniqueness,我覺得太特殊了XD

2018年9月10日 星期一

劍橋英檢 Vocabulary List (Key English Test) (每週上課前更新)

1. 請去Google Play/App Store 下載Quizlet,並註冊帳號。
2. 點選下方Quizlet連結。
3. 按 ... →複製 → 自己key上中文翻譯 → 建立 (右上方) 
[附註]: 中文解釋可以直接點選網站建議的定義,或至劍橋字典查。
4. 請將完成的單字卡,將網址貼至Google表單
Source: Vocabulary List (Key English Test) 
1. 劍橋英檢 Vocabulary List P4-5 Quizlet 9/10作業(9/17檢查)


1. 簡介
2. 題型簡介及模擬試題
3. 劍橋英檢官網(英文版)
4. 劍橋英檢相關介紹
5. 劍橋英檢官方紙本教材 Key English Test (KET)
    劍橋英檢官方紙本教材 Preliminary English Test (PET)
6. 劍橋英檢官方單字表 KET
    劍橋英檢官方單字表 PET
7. 劍橋英檢文法句型及主題 KET
    劍橋英檢文法句型及主題 PET
8. Handbook of KET
    Handbook of PET 
9. Information for Candidates KET
    Information for Candidates PET
10. 下載劍橋英檢初級(KET)/中級(PET)的考試樣題(sample papers)
KET - Reading and Writing / Listening / Speaking  
PET - Reading and Writing / Listening / Speaking 

2018年9月6日 星期四

department VS mall VS outlet mall

[以下節錄自 Advanced Broadcast 107/9/4]
1. Department store (百貨公司) is one store. They may be in the mall. 

2. A mall (商場) is just a collection of many different department stores. 

3. An outlet mall (暢貨中心)usually means that the stores that you go to there, are cheaper, like you won't spend that much money at those stores. Maybe the same store you go to in the regular mall, but it's uh, maybe the prices are lower. That sort of thing. 

(So you mentioned that much of this E-DA business stuff was located kind of outside of downtown Kaohsiung. That's often where you find out the malls, because the cost of the real estate for the mall is much lower, and so costs overall can be lower. So people often feel outlet malls are a great place to get good deals when you're shopping.)